Re: [techs] New draft: CSS Techniques for WCAG 2.0

> New draft of CSS Techniques for WCAG 2.0 available for discussion [1].

Roughly scanned the Techniques document, but there are at least three issues
I found worth to announce here... First, in 'Formatting and positioning of
text' [2] there is a todo item called '@@example showing use of
"word-spacing"', but you mean 'letter-spacing', I guess. Two ready-to-use examples are

    <span style="letter-spacing: 5px;">HELLO</span>
    <span style="letter-spacing: 5px; text-transform:

where IMO the second proposal is quite better since it also demonstrates the
use of the 'text-transform' property as mentioned in the text style section

Second, in 'Text equivalents for content generated by style sheets' [4] it's
said 'Provide a text equivalent for [...] text generated by style sheets',
but I wonder how you want to achieve this (technically)? Do you suggest a
static note everywhere it might occur? I don't know any 'elegant' way to do this
yet, and IMO it shouldn't be recommended to generate 'real' content in CSS.
By the way, there even is the problem that you cannot copy generated content
to the clipboard yet, what I perceive as an accessibility problem anyway.
Generated content might of course be useful e.g. related to quotes or direct
attribute access via 'attr(foo)'.

Third and last but not least, 'Providing good structural markup' [5] (as an
expression) seems somehow weird to me, since it sounds like 'keep well and
fit' -- everyone wants to fulfill this goal, but it's not well-defined per se,
is it?

All the best, merry christmas,


Jens Meiert
Interface Architect

Received on Tuesday, 23 December 2003 04:30:34 UTC