[techs] Summary of teleconference 09 April 2003

Here's a summary of the 09 April 2003 Techniques Teleconference:

Discussion of Test Suites

Not sure whether to incorporate directly into our techniques files or point
to them. Will run this question by other stakeholders and people/groups that
have developed test cases.

XMLSpec (DTD that techniques DTD is based around) was updated in March; it
may make sense to develop a module for XMLSpec for test suites/test cases.
I18N may develop a similar but not identical module.


A group is working on developing techniques for Flash, and Michael wants to
use same format as W3C using. Since our DTD is based on W3C's XMLSpec, there
may be copyright issues that we'll explore. Views drawn from source
documents hosted by different organizations could also be a challenge. For
now Michael will provide general information about our ideas to the Flash

Action Items

1. WC: Approach people/groups about DTDs, test suites
2. MC: post test cases relevant to the items in Action Item 4
3. MC: Compare MC test cases w/ UAAG
4. Everyone: Begin User Agent tests on test files, leading to technique
    * Michael: alt vs. title
    * Richard: object
    * Chris: accesskey
    * Ben: tabindex
    * Wendy: summary and caption for tables
5. WC: Continue converting techniques to new DTD
6. WC: Check on copyright for XMLspec DTD
7. MC: Think out impact of supporting Flash techniques on how we generate

Michael Cooper
Accessibility Project Manager
1 Hines Rd
Kanata, ON  K2K 3C7
+1 613 599 3888 x4019

Received on Friday, 11 April 2003 17:44:18 UTC