1.2: Example 2

The note below restates material I sent to the list several months ago that
has not been addressed in the current working draft-- perhaps because I
didn't specifically propose new wording.  I'm doing that here.


Current wording of Checkpoint 1.1, example 2:
Example 2: Providing a short label and a longer explanation are provided for
a data chart.  A bar chart compares how many widgets were sold in June,
July, and August. The short label says, "Graph of the numbers of widgets
sold in June, July, and August." The longer explanation provides the data
presented in the chart.

Proposed wording:
.... The longer description identifies the type of chart or graph, provides
a high-level summary of the data comparable to that available from the chart
or graph, and lists the data themselves.

In my view, it's not sufficient for a LONGDESC simply to present the data in
list form: the point of a bar chart, pie chart, etc., is precisely that it
provides a symbolic representation of the numerical data to assist
understanding, and I believe a LONGDESC should attempt to render that
information as well as the data themselves.

John Slatin, Ph.D.
Director, Institute for Technology & Learning
University of Texas at Austin
FAC 248C, Mail code G9600
Austin, TX 78712
ph 512-495-4288, f 512-495-4524
email jslatin@mail.utexas.edu <mailto:jslatin@mail.utexas.edu> 
web http://www.ital.utexas.edu <http://www.ital.utexas.edu> 

Received on Wednesday, 4 September 2002 18:41:30 UTC