Re: Multiple versions of a page


The point of conflicts is very well taken as is the need for a variety
of server side renderings.  I'm not sure that the concept of "basic
accessibility" is well understood.


> Sometimes one item conflicts for different user  gropes
> eg: use of jargon (good for some bad for others), more  multimedia  items
> less words (see feedback on 3.3 email), using color to emphasize structure
> against a black and white page that is good for people without  any cone
> vision. etc etc.
> Keeping basic accessibility on all accessible renderings but having any
> amount of sever side automatic renderings, optimized to different scenarios,
> is to me, state of the art accessibility. Have a look at our home page if
> you are still not convinced.
> All the best,
> Lisa

Received on Friday, 8 March 2002 16:24:34 UTC