
Thursday, 21 February, 2100 UTC (4 PM US Eastern, 10 PM France, 8 AM
Eastern Australia, etc.) on +1-617-252-1038. On this week's agenda:

1. A review of checkpoints 4.3 and 4.4. Note in particular the mailing
   list discussion of checkpoint 4.4 in the thread starting at

2. If time permits, we shall circle back to checkpoints 3.3 and 3.4 to
   review the progress of action items, in particular Jo/Lisa to
   rework the success criteria for 3.3 in a concise form, and Wendy to
   complete a necessarily involved and complex review of the debate
   surrounding checkpoint 3.4. It may also be recalled that questions
   of overlap between checkpoints, while significant, are not of
   primary concern at this stage as there remains the potential to
   reorganise guideline 3 as a whole should a more conceptually
   satisfactory scheme be proposed. Related to this, of course, is the
   question of dividing requirements into normative success criteria,
   on the one side, and advisories on the other, and the issue of how
   this distinction applies to the concepts and strategies encompassed
   by guideline 3.

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2002 18:04:48 UTC