18 October 2001 WCAG WG minutes

Summary of consensus and action items

- Consensus item:There would be a minimum standard of accessibility. In 
order for site to assert any level of conformance, the content must meet 
this minimum standard that consists of predetermined set of checkpoints. /* 
GV has exact wording */
- Action WC: take discussion to ERT WG. How make statement for whole site 
vs. particular page vs. specific element - how do search engines discover. 
WCAG wants a scenario to show that it is possible.
- Consensus item: Seems like a good idea to express conformance claims in a 
machine-readable form, but we aren't sure if we should require it of all 
claims or suggest it be used.
- Action everyone: For next week - What causes something to be in or out of 
the minimum set?


wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
seattle, wa usa

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2001 17:44:32 UTC