
Thursday, 11 October, 20:00 UTC, (4 PM US Eastern, 10 PM France, 6 AM
Friday in Melbourne, Australia), on the W3C/MIT Longfellow bridge:

The following issues will be discussed at the meeting:

1. Gregg's conformance proposal and the follow-up messages which have
   been posted to the list: see the thread starting at

2. The question of whether, and if so how the guidelines should
address situations in which the need for accessibility is
counterbalanced against countervailing priorities affecting the design
of the content: see Charles' contribution at
and Cynthia's argument at
with my analysis of some of the options available to the working group

3. If time permits, we should commence discussion of the principles to
   be used in distinguishing between the different levels of
   conformance. WCAG 1.0 bases its conformance levels on a priority
   scheme, and we need to decide what distinctions should play a
   comparable role in WCAG 2.0.

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2001 03:03:05 UTC