Re: Action Item: 3.3 Proposal (Writing Style)

The difficulty with incorporating reading-level checking in what we are doing
is that reading-level checking makes sense as a _process requirement_, a
required activity in the content development process; but there is no single
tool or threshold that makes sense as a _product requirement_ for all web

Our document model is biting us.  This includes the idea that we are producing
a WCAG which is a set of product requirements on the content as retained at
server and/or delivered from the server.  A pragmatic recipe for web content
quality would be allowed to include process requirements as well as product

"Check the reading level of your writing" is a verifiable checkpoint.  It is
just verifiable in the system logs, not in the data coming from the server.

The product requirements for reading level should indeed float, as people have
pointed out.  How to get help from the IRS in preparing your tax return is a
topic that has to be explained in very accessible language.  A doctoral
dissertation in Physics should still be written as simply as possible, but it
may be appropriate to assume a lot more knowledge among the readers than one
can get away with in general writing.  Both of these will be more
successful in
clear writing if they use reading-level measures as a checking tool.


Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2001 20:58:14 UTC