Re: Layout tables [ was summary attribute required? ]

Maybe I'm joining this conversation late, but the WAI TECHS document, deep
within its bowels, clearly tells us not to use access tags in layout tables.

5.4 If a table is used for layout, do not use any structural markup for
           the purpose of visual formatting. [Priority 2] ([157]Checkpoint
and I just flubbed copying and pasting the URL; since I'm mailing this from 
within Lynx, the equivalent of calculating Third World debt with an abacus, 
you're gonna have to look it up yourselves.
Reading ths requrement has caused me to simply do an ALT="" thing and put 
SUMMARY="" into my layout tables. That will shut a screen reder up and will 
get the damn pages past the HTML Tidy validatrix (it seems female to me) 
within BBEdit. 

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2001 09:31:15 UTC