Re: GL comment

Thanks for your note William.

I was on the Education and Outreach call as well, and heard the discussion
around this point.  While at first skeptical about the need for
clarification, I tried stepping back to look at the statement from the
point of view of a relative newcomer.  I now think you are correct.
Someone might think the Guidelines are hinting (and being coy by not
mentioning names) that those machine verification applications are what we
are referring to.  I would support asking the editors to add a sentence of

Might it be as simple as restating the existing sentence?

"The checkpoints have been written so that it will be possible [for a
person/an author] to verify when they have been satisfied."


Chuck Letourneau
Co-Chair, Page Author GL WG
At 12/03/99 10:44 AM , William Loughborough wrote:
>Under Priorities:
>"The checkpoints have been written so that it will be possible to verify
>when they have been satisfied. "
>As discussed in an EOWG telecon a possible clarifying statement might
>minimize the perhaps too optimistic hopes raised in the above quote.
>Somehting like: Although an author's Website may have its conformance
>with many checkpoints verified *objectively* by a tool such as Bobby,
>there are also some checkpoints (e.g. "provide textual equivalents")
>that, although their presence may be verified mechanically, only the
>subjectively applied skills of a human author can approve. 
>I assume that if you want to explicitly include this caveat you can find
>a *real* wordsmith like Ian to state it better.

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Received on Sunday, 14 March 1999 12:59:25 UTC