At 12:54 PM 31/05/98 -0400, Josh Krieger wrote:
>It is meaningless to use the HTML 4.0 elements ABBR and
>ACRONYM without a TITLE attribute even though the TITLE
>attribute is not required in the DTD.

In one of my pages I use the following:

	<acronym>PNG</acronym> (Portable Network Graphics)

I don't use the TITLE attribute for fear that a UA might be set to always
read the long form of abbreviations, in which case the expansion included
after the acronym would be redundant.  I still want to use the ACRONYM
element though to make sure that UAs know that "PNG" is a pronounceable
word.  I'm not sure if what I've done in this example is the best approach
or not; any input is welcome.

>The guideline should probably just read: "Provide titles for
>horizontal rules", but we already had a discussion in March
>about this one and it is still, in my opinion, on shaky ground 
>in regards to its use with/without the DIV element.

I don't see any use for TITLEs on horizontal rules.  The level of the next
heading or a TITLE on a following DIV element should be more than adequate
to communicate that a new section is starting.  HR is a presentational
element that can be eliminated nicely with CSS's border-top and
border-bottom properties.  When authors realize that, they'll start getting
rid of their HR elements, so it'd be nice if the information we're trying
to communicate with HR TITLEs were available elsewhere.

Liam Quinn
Web Design Group            Enhanced Designs, Web Site Development

Received on Sunday, 31 May 1998 15:18:31 UTC