Re: New(ish) Test Version Of Betsie

Actually the problem was latter on.  I should have explained this better.

I explored both frames, and found the one with content.  This was no big
deal.  But then try going further.  Follow the link for "_create_ new
student account".

Filling-in the few lines is no problem (Lynx or Betsie) but submitting the
form is another story.

Lynx cannot activate the "Create" button (even though [BUTTON] is
displayed).  Betsie shows the button, but when it is selected just
generates a blank page.

Please try this, you will not get to a validation screen until after this
step (use whatever text you want for the fields).

I think the pages use poorly designed Java script.  As you saw, nominally
IE 4+ is required.  For the source of one page was a subroutine named "IE3
stinks" -- this can't be too professional work!

Thank you for your efforts.

Bruce Bailey

> From: Leonard R. Kasday <>
> To: Bruce Bailey <>; Wayne Myers-Education
<>; WAI ER IG List <>
> Subject: Re: New(ish) Test Version Of Betsie
> Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 9:12 AM
> Thanks bruce for observing that 
> >Betsie also could not handle a page that is currently giving Lynx fits
> >URL:
> I took a look with lynx.
> This page has two frames, one of which is actually blank, to wit (or
>    <HTML>
>    <HEAD>
>         <TITLE>Untitled</TITLE>
>    </HEAD>
>    </BODY>
> </HTML>        
> So we could add a repair rule: omit blank frames 
> And as special case, if there's just one frame, release it from it's
> Actually, I think WAG in effect did this by concatenating frames into a
> single page.... I'll have to take a look... gotta run now...
> There's also some images with no alt text.
> Otherwise reads OK.
> Len
> -------
> Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
> Universal Design Engineer, Institute on Disabilities/UAP, and
> Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering
> Temple University
> Ritter Hall Annex, Room 423, Philadelphia, PA 19122
> (215} 204-2247 (voice)
> (800) 750-7428 (TTY)

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 1999 10:11:50 UTC