EOWG - Work for this Week - Open Surveys

Hello EOWG,

Thank you for a great meeting today. Good discussion on many topics. If you
missed the meeting, please read the minutes to get caught up (the weekly
survey will guide you to the minutes).

The Work for this Week section of the EOWG Meetings page
<https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Meetings#Work_for_this_week> [1] has
been updated with two newly opened surveys and some preview work to prep
for the next meeting.

*Things of High Importance:*

   - Please complete the Weekly Survey as soon as possible.
   - Also, please preview the Work for this Week topic #3 -  "Pages
   available for EOWG input". We will be discussing those at the next meeting
   and need everyone to have read and be familiar with the content.

Thanks, and have a great weekend everyone.
Brent, Sharron, and Shawn

[1] https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Meetings#Work_for_this_week

Brent A. Bakken
Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education Services
Psychometrics & Testing Services
Co-Chair Pearson Able

512 202 1087

Received on Friday, 22 March 2019 22:32:39 UTC