EOWG - Wrapping up Business Case slides


We might not have time to discuss the business case slides on the teleconference for several weeks, and it would be good finish them asap. Therefore, please send any comments in e-mail.

The 9 June version has a few minor changes in response to comments from Vicki and Alan, such as those listed here http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2011AprJun/0091.html
Another minor change is the addition of /For more info:/ to some of the slide notes, and ------ fyi ------- to separate important information from additional info.

Please review and comment on these latest changes:
* Added image to "Reduces risk of legal action" slide (currently 13)
* Added draft images for the "example: alt text for images" slides (currently 16-19) - along with "[OPEN:..." with what still needs to be fixed in them. (Thanks Wayne for continuing to work on them.)
* Changed image in "Return for accessibility" slide (currently 26) (I left the old one at slide 27 for this review round, just so it's there for comparison).

1. Volunteer needed to track down image permission. If we are likely to want to use the tree image on the "Return for accessibility" slide, would some one please chase down the owner and see if we can have permission to use it? It is used several places that come up in an images search for "tree investment" but I didn't get far enough to find the actual source.
2. Volunteer to make the HTML version after we have settled on the content, which I hope will be in June.


On 5/31/2011 10:44 AM, Shawn Henry wrote:
> EOWG folks,
> Here are open action items for the business case slides:
> 1. cost, investment, return slides - consider different illustrations, review text.
> * Karl – provide idea of illustration "to make the graph look less scientific and the implication that it is data-based" <http://www.w3.org/2011/05/06-eo-minutes>
> * Vicki – provide alternative ideas for slides <http://www.w3.org/2011/05/06-eo-minutes>
> * All – consider different illustrations and metaphors, including further comment on or refinement of the idea of tree <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2011AprJun/0025.html>
> * All – review revised Notes.
> 2. risk coverage in notes &/or slide – review draft slide, suggest illustration.
> Since I didn’t get any input on this following the 6 May teleconference, I drafted a suggestion. It’s currently slide 13 titled “Reduces risk of legal action”.
> Read the discussion in minutes <http://www.w3.org/2011/05/06-eo-minutes#item02> noting different perspectives on how to cover this given the very different situation in different countries, etc.
> (fyi, in the business case pages it is addressed at http://www.w3.org/WAI/bcase/pol#risks and under “Decreases potential for high legal expenses” in http://www.w3.org/WAI/bcase/fin)
> * All - review draft slide, send any comments to list.
> * All - suggest illustrations, send to list for discussion.
> 3. images for alternative text.
> * Wayne – send drafts for group review.
> 4. CSS for HTML version.
> * Ian – fix last few things.
> * Along with any images or other visuals that you send for discussion, include descriptions for those who cannot see them.
> * For those new to EOWG: it is probably good to send quick rough drafts first, rather than spending a lot of time refining them. EOWG is likely to have suggestions for revisions, or different ideas.
> * Download the latest version of the presentation, I'm editing it as input comes in.
> Regards,
> ~Shawn

Received on Friday, 10 June 2011 00:44:15 UTC