[Fwd: Betr.: EOWG: reply requested, wrapping up Involving Users doc]

Original message below is from Henk, with Shawn's comments inserted, preceded with SLH: and surrounded in brackets [].

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Betr.: EOWG: reply requested, wrapping up Involving Users doc
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 23:11:46 +0200
From: Henk Snetselaar <H.Snetselaar@bartimeus.nl>
To: <shawn@w3.org>

Hi all,

[SLH: This only went to me. Judging that you meant it to go to the EOWG list, I reply there as well. :]

To me, the not W3C references in some of the 'Terminology descriptions' are of no use and even distracting. I think we can manage to describe the terminology we use in our documents as EOWG.

[SLH: done.]

I agree with Wayne that the issue of the different 'needs' of diverse pwd's you can extract from later sentences. But we have also to be careful of ridicule the requirements of people with pwd's to their: preferences, expectations and experiences. 

[SLH: Can you explain your point a little more (I don't quite understand what you are trying to say)?]


H. Snetselaar
Bartimeus Educational Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted &
Foundation Bartiméus Accessibility
Utrechtseweg 84, 3702 AD  Zeist, the Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)30-6982211 or +31(0)30-6982350
Fax: +31-(0)30-6982388
E-mail: H.Snetselaar@bartimeus.nl
Website: www.bartimeus.nl and www.accessibility.nl
Zie voor disclaimer (Read our disclaimer): www.accessibility.nl/algemeen/disclaimer 

>>> Shawn Henry <shawn@w3.org> 2-10-05 1:12 >>>


I completed edits from last Friday's EOWG teleconference to the "Involving Users in Evaluating Web Accessibility" document at:

I think it is now near ready to call Version 1.0 done. The content is all in place and all that is needed is a minor copyedit with a fresh perspective. Next steps for EOWG are:
1. final EOWG review (via e-mail, I hope it won't need another teleconference discussion)
2. EOWG participants in good standing approve document via Call for Review survey form ("WBS")

***REPLY REQUESTED: If possible, I'd like to get step 1 completed by this coming Wednesday and be able to wrap up step 2 the next week. Please reply to this message by Wednesday 5 October stating:
__ I reviewed the document and any comments are included below (or in a separate e-mail)
__ I would like to review the document but can't by Wednesday 5 Oct, I will send comments before Monday 10 Oct
__ I would like to review the document but can't by Monday 10 Oct, please call me to discuss options
__ I pass on reviewing the document

If you have any concerns with this schedule, feel free to contact me or Judy directly.

Before reviewing, please see:

* requested comment format [thanks to all who have been using this format!]:

and note:
- Requirements and Changelog for "Involving Users in Web Accessibility Evaluation"
- links to previous versions, teleconference agendas with review questions, and minutes from teleconferences:
- recent edits start at:


Best regards,
~ Shawn

Received on Thursday, 6 October 2005 04:48:51 UTC