Re: EOWG: reply requested, wrapping up Involving Users doc

At 07:03 PM 10/4/2005, Harvey Bingham wrote:
>At 07:12 PM 10/1/2005, you wrote:
>>I completed edits from last Friday's EOWG teleconference to the 
>>"Involving Users in Evaluating Web Accessibility" document at:
>>I think it is now near ready to call Version 1.0 done. The content 
>>is all in place and all that is needed is a minor copyedit with a 
>>fresh perspective. Next steps for EOWG are:
>>1. final EOWG review (via e-mail, I hope it won't need another 
>>teleconference discussion)

>>2. EOWG participants in good standing approve document via Call for 
>>Review survey form ("WBS")

Where do I find that WBS form? Must I use it? I cannot find a unique 
reference to such on the W3C site.

>>***REPLY REQUESTED: If possible, I'd like to get step 1 completed 
>>by this coming Wednesday and be able to wrap up step 2 the next 
>>week. Please reply to this message by Wednesday 5 October stating:
>>Yes I reviewed the document and any comments are included below (or 
>>in a separate e-mail
>>__ I would like to review the document but can't by Wednesday 5 
>>Oct, I will send comments before Monday 10 Oct
>>__ I would like to review the document but can't by Monday 10 Oct, 
>>please call me to discuss options
>>__ I pass on reviewing the document
>>If you have any concerns with this schedule, feel free to contact 
>>me or Judy directly.Go for it

>>Before reviewing, please see:
>>* requested comment format [thanks to all who have been using this format!]:
>>and note:
>>- Requirements and Changelog for "Involving Users in Web 
>>Accessibility Evaluation"
>>- links to previous versions, teleconference agendas with review 
>>questions, and minutes from teleconferences:
>>- recent edits start at:

I'm reminded of the book "Moving On" by Larry McMurtry.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed.
Thanks, Shawn for editorial work.

Best Regards/Harvey Bingham

>>Best regards,
>>~ Shawn

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 17:53:53 UTC