Re: [Draft] Requirements for Before/After Web Site Retrofitting Demo


At 03:37 PM 6/17/2005 +0100, Barry McMullin wrote:

>Hi all -
>Just to clarify the point I was trying to make on the telecon: I
>was not suggesting to expand the demo resource in any way.  As
>Shadi rightly pointed out, there are tools out there to
>facilitate demonstrating different "projections" of the site
>under a wide variety of client side conditions.  My point was the
>rather trivial one that this comment in the "Structure section":
>    5.2 [The good site] Would be the same set of pages and same
>      appearance as the "bad site" above
>should have a little qualification, maybe just one extra word,
>like this:
>    5.2 [The good site] Would be the same set of pages and same
>      *default* appearance as the "bad site" above
>Maybe there is a better word, but that was all the clarification
>I was wanting to point at...

Thanks for the clarification; I think that this provides a simpler way to 
address the concern that came up in last week's meeting.

>My only other comment is again a minor one, that I'd like to
>suggest that the "home page" in the bad site specifically use a
>client side image map for the very front end site-wide navigation
>(without ALT on the AREAs) so that it really fails fairly
>catastrophically in the absence of ALT.

Interesting idea. Shadi, Tanguy, any thoughts?


- Judy

>Happy coding! - Barry.

Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/CSAIL Building 32-G530
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Friday, 24 June 2005 04:10:27 UTC