Re: Updated "How People with Disabilities Use the Web" for review in 12 March 2004 Teleconference

All fixed using similar solutions to those suggested below.


- Judy

At 11:05 AM 3/12/2004 +0100, Alan Chuter wrote:

>I just asked a non-native speaker to read the supermarket assistant 
>section and we think that the following are difficult to understand:
>* "[he] finds the number of product choices overwhelming"
>  maybe we could say somthing like
>  "[he] finds that there are so many product choices that he becomes confused"
>* Although the title is easier to understand with "supermarket", "store" 
>is still used in the text.
>* "rearranges its product layout"
>  could be "changes the layout of the products in the store" or "He has 
> difficulty finding products because they are often in a different place"
>* "they used _consistent design_ and _navigation options_" the reader was 
>confused by the link text as "consistent" becomes separated when reading 
>the text of the second link independently (like "they used ... navigation 
>* "few fresh daily items" could be "few fresh items each day"
>In the references (#intell, #supl, #search etc) the link text is still 
>One problem I've had with internationalisation of disability information 
>is "seizure disorders" which doesn't translate easily into Spanish.
>On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 00:42:00 -0500, Judy Brewer <> wrote:
>>I have again updated the draft of "How People with Disabilities Use the Web":
>>The change log is up-to-date:
>>I've incorporated some of our most recent change requests from last week, 
>>and made more progress on the old change requests.
>>In reviewing the document, please:
>>- check for internationalization of disability terminology
>>- check for gaps in assistive technology and adaptive computing
>>- review the "teenager" example
>>- review (again) the "supermarket assistant" example
>>Thank you,
>>- Judy
>Alan Chuter

Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/CSAIL Building 32-G530
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Friday, 2 July 2004 02:05:57 UTC