extended ISO 9126

Hi EOWG-members,

A bit more information about the ISO-stuff I mentioned in the call last Friday.
There is an organization in the Netherlands called SERC (Software Engineering Research Centre) see http://www.serc.nl/english/
They have published a book with the title "Quality of software products" sub-title 'experiences from praxis with a quality model" on how to achieve a software product with quality. It is based on the use of the ISO 9126-model, but they composed an Extended ISO-model. This means that they took the original ISO-model attributes and added in an extended model 11 new attributes  e.g availability, degradability, user-friendliness, reusability and more.

A banking company who uses this model for software development came across our "accessibility mission " and was interested to know whether their PC-banking product also meets the accessibility checkpoints and asked for a review of their product.

Now he proposed to imply the software accessibility issues in the extended ISO-9126 model in the way users of this extended model will pay attention to accessibility too.

Is this a good thing, is one of you also involved in something like this?


H. Snetselaar
Bartimeus Educational Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted
Utrechtseweg 84, 3702 AD  Zeist, the Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)30-6982211 or +31(0)30-6982350
Fax: +31-(0)30-6982347
E-mail: H.Snetselaar@bartimeus.nl
Website: www.bartimeus.nl and www.accessibility.nl

Received on Monday, 9 April 2001 09:05:43 UTC