Re: Fwd: Assistive Devices Industry Association of Canada


I am furiously finishing up on my book (incorporating edits) and I need to
get clarification on the purpose and functin of ADIA. Should I mention it
in my book? If so, can you describe it's role and purpose....briefly. 

If it is part of a large web site, perhaps I should site that instead? Let
me know. 



At 10:32 AM 2/16/1999 -0500, Chuck Letourneau wrote:
>I am the person responsible for maintaining CanADIA's Calendar of Events in
>Disability, Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology (the information is
>provided to me by the Assistive Devices Industry Office of the Government
>of Canada).  As such, I am interested in the comments made by Mike and you.
> It isn't completely clear from your message which statements are
>attributable to Mike and which are yours, but I assume the first two
>paragraphs are his and the last yours.
>I  have a few questions:
>1. Where did Mike cite the CanADIA conference listing? Is it in his soon to
>be published book? (If he did, I am not unhappy... just curious)
>2. Do you know what is meant by "Officially, this is not a home page --
>yet."  (It was never intended to be a "home page". It is a resource in a
>larger CanADIA website.)
>3. Why would W3C or XML conferences appear on the CanADIA list?  To the
>best of my knowledge, no W3C or XML conference has been promoted as being
>an "Event in Disability, Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology".  If the
>WAI decides to do a conference on Web Accessibility, it will be on the list
>At 15/02/99 10:14 PM , Harvey Bingham wrote:
>>Mike Paciello notes:
>>"The Assistive Devices Industry Association (ADIA) of Canada:
>>Officially, this is not a home page -- yet. However, the Assistive Devices
>>Industry Association of Canada provides an incredibly useful service through
>>this web page by providing a complete listing of all disability related
>>conferences. "
>>It does not list W3C or XML conferences. They haven't made the
>>accessibility-awareness of this group I guess. Someday?
>>It has contact info, including URLs, but not deadlines for submissions.
>>Regards/Harvey Bingham
>Starling Access Services
> "Access A World Of Possibility"
>  e-mail:
>   URL:
>    Phone: 613-820-2272  FAX: 613-820-6983

Received on Wednesday, 31 March 1999 16:27:35 UTC