WAI EO Agenda Thursday Sept 17


Education/Outreach call today, Thursday September 17,
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. US EDT.

Phone bridges:
  +33 (0)1 56 78 14 93

Please send regrets to chair if you cannot attend.


1. curriculum slide set, first sample format for review
2. integrated demo pages, specific proposal
3. events coverage, proposal
4. upcoming meetings


1) Initial review of curriculum slide set format. See example linked from
http://www.starlingweb.com/wai/eoslides.htm , by Chuck Letourneau. Note
only item B.4 is expanded so far, so the links to "techniques & examples"
on the other items won't go anywhere.
- do these kinds of examples work?
- are they sufficiently self-explanatory that speaker's notes aren't needed?
- could this format perhaps even work jointly for presentation materials
and for a self-instructional module?
(By the way, in terms of format, right now the top page is being written as
an HTML file with multiple H1's, on which we'll run a perl script that
generates multiple slide-like HTML pages.)

2) Integrated demo pages:
We have an offer from Joe Welinsky of WinWriters to write integrated demo
pages for us, in other words, mocked-up "sites" that show off a lot of
accessibility features in their design, such as a florist site that has
display info, ordering info, forms to fill out, etc. These would complement
the technique-specific examples which will be part of the curriculum slide
sets.  He will be recruiting people to work on the sites, and wants
guidance from us. Initially our thoughts were to have WinWriters develop
eight "integrated demo sites": Four categories, and in each category a
plain/simple site, and a technically complex site. The four proposed types
of sites are:
- marketing/sales
- customer service
- information
- portals

3) Back to event coverage. Proposal:
- Kitch maintains the events page, including who's-covering-what info, in
WAI EO space; also adds as much info as possible about when submissions are
due. (Kitch can start doing this in early October.)
- We set up a link on the WAI IG home page (which needs lots of work, yes),
to an input form on the events page, for anyone from any WAI group
including WAI IG itself to report, if they like, on events they're
attending or presenting at;
- We remind people in WAI IG & WG's periodically about input form in
updates to WAI IG;
- WAI EO establishes a priority system for covering events, for instance:
  1. Major mainstream computer industry conferences, with emphasis on
Web-based applications development, or content development;
  2. Government info tech conferences, with emphasis on
obligations/requirements for accessible design;
  3. Disability community events, with emphasis on resources available, and
how to get involved in promoting implementation;
- Coverage priorities:
  A: Plenary opportunity (awareness-building)
  B: Workshop or tutorial (in-depth how-to)
  C: Panel (awareness-building)
  D: Booth presence (awareness-building)
- Someone (Kitch? WAI staff?) reviews the events site regularly WRT to
these priorities, flags things that aren't covered, recommends level of
coverage, canvasses other WAI WG's as necessary for volunteers to present
or makes other arrangements to cover.
- Eventually -- maybe after a trainers best practices exchange meeting ??in
Jan/Feb 99 (?), and/or after some of curriculum slide sets available we
start a "WAI-speakers" mailing list, over which we can send notices of
upcoming submission deadlines, recommend coverage, etc.

4. Upcoming meetings planning.

Judy Brewer    jbrewer@w3.org    +1.617.258.9741    http://www.w3.org/WAI
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE3-355, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA

Received on Thursday, 17 September 1998 00:52:59 UTC