RE: Copy-paste and ATAG2 B.1.2.1 Restructuring and Recoding Transformations

Hi Jan,

You wrote:
> 1. Windows does allow HTML fragments to be stored on the clipboard
> but other platforms may not, so my wording is too strong.

OSX and iOS support HTML copy/paste, I think the *nix platforms do as well, although command line apps tend to have their own buffer.

>From the proposal, I wonder if "Text Alternatives for Non-Text Content are Preserved" and "Restructuring and Recoding Transformations" need to be separate?

The core case seems to be:
- A content transformation is executed by the authoring tool.
- If the input includes accessibility information, and the output can include that information, at least one of the following is true: 
(With the a-d from "Restructuring and Recoding Transformations" according to WCAG).

That seems to cover text-alternatives, optimisations and restructuring/recoding as well? 

I remember long discussions about the difficulty of creating a matrix of formats and their accessibility features, however, I think that was covered by the (a)-(d) notes? I.e. If the tool doesn't know how to map one type of content to another, it should perform a check.

If it knows about some features in the target format (e.g. text-alternatives) but not others, it could do (a) for that, and (b / c / d) if it detects other features that it does not know how to deal with?

If I'm being overly simplistic please ignore this, but I was struggling to see why text-alternatives & optimisations had their own SCs, as there seems to be a general principle.

Kind regards,


Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 14:34:26 UTC