Re: Re Checkpoint 6.3

  Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
  >    6.5 Provide the author with a summary of the document accessibility
  >           status on a configurable schedule. [Priority 3]
then On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, Ian Jacobs wrote:
  So should the "configurable" part be removed from this checkpoint as well?
  (Pushing configurability ideas to techniques)
CMN Yes, I think so.
CMN Had written:
  >    6.6 Allow the author to perform element transformations. [Priority 3]
  >           For example, to transform visually formatted elements to
  >           structure elements, or tables to lists.
  This checkpoint seems to vague to me. I think there needs
  to be more information about the purpose of the transformations.
  The techniques emphasize transformation of style elements to structural
  elements. I realize one may not want to overconstraing the types
  of transformations, but that would be more useful to start with.
  The transformation of structure to style (e.g., don't use BLOCKQUOTE)
  is also helpful.
I'm not exactly clear what you are suggesting. The checkpoint technique
itself gives two examples based on structural transformations. Should the
current techniques exaplin those examples further? Should they include
transformations which remove mis-used structures? How does the tool know, or
should such changes be author initiated? The latter seems like a good idea -
it is something I find very useful in Amaya. Automagically identifying the
problem seems to be 6.1. Maybe we should cross-reference this to helping the


Received on Monday, 30 August 1999 15:40:16 UTC