Guidelines, Checkpoints, Techniques - definition

Eric has proposed revision of the definitions as follows:


A guideline is a general principle of accessible authoring tool design.


A checkpoint is a specific and verifiable application of a guideline.


A technique is a way of implementing a checkpoint. Techniques are often
specific to a particular language (e.g., HTML, XML, CSS, ...).

I prefer the original definition for guidelines and checkpoints.

For techniques I think we should simply note that there is an associated
document which describes techniques which may be used, and further examples
of what is meant, as follows:


In the document [WAI-AUTOOLS-TECH] a number of techniques are given for the
various guidelines and checkpoints. These are approaches which may be used to
satisfy a checkpoint, or examples of things to consider, and are not a
normative part of this document.

Charles McCN

--Charles McCathieNevile  
phone: +1 617 258 0992
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
MIT/LCS  -  545 Technology sq., Cambridge MA, 02139,  USA

Received on Friday, 21 May 1999 18:12:25 UTC