Re: Can we be more concrete?

At 07:13 PM 1/7/97 CST, Michael Sperberg-McQueen wrote:
>On Mon, 30 Dec 1996 18:24:04 -0900 Eliot Kimber said:
>>At 03:32 PM 12/30/96 -0800, Terry Allen wrote:
>>> ...
>>>So, what indicates the semantics of the link to the query?  It isn't
>>>the HTTP method.   Is it the semantics of <crossref>?
>>In the HyTime model, it's the semantics of addresses in general: that
>>any reference to a location address is a reference to whatever the
>>location address addresses (recursed until you either get only
>>non-location addresses, reach the "reflevel" limit, or have a
>>circular reference).  This behavior of addresses is independent of
>>linking (in other words, the same address resolution behavior would
>>result from an ID reference that was not a "link" as we're defining
>>it here).
>This sounds suspiciously as if it would be impossible to point at
>a link (or perhaps I mean to point at *an address*) in order to talk
>about it, without slipping past it and landing at what it's pointing

There is a "use/mention" problem inherent in indirect addressing.  One way
around it in HyTime is to use the "reflevel" attribute to limit the depth
of recursion--once you've passed it, you just get the elements. At one
point we discussed adding a "locloc" (location address location) element
just for this purpose, but decided it wasn't necessary.


W. Eliot Kimber ( 
Senior SGML Consulting Engineer, Highland Consulting
2200 North Lamar Street, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75202
+1-214-953-0004 +1-214-953-3152 fax (work) (home)
"Rats in the morning, rats in the afternoon...if they don't go away, I'll be
re-educated soon..."                 --Austin Lounge Lizards, "1984 Blues"

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 1997 23:37:01 UTC