2004-01-16 minutes delayed

Hi. I'm delayed in getting last friday's minutes done. I hope 
to get to them by tonight. Stopgap, the raw transcript is
http://www.w3.org/2004/01/16-rdfcore-irc where the following things were 
resolved, including that our next meeting is 30th January (ie. next 
week not this friday).

RESOLVED: these are true record of 12 dec meeting
(actions therein are all done)

9: Proposed minor Changes to Primer Document
bwm: so proposal is, per the agenda w/ the ammendement in 0067.html
above (dropping change 3)
RESOLVED: per the agenda w/ the ammendement in 0067.html above (dropping
change 3)

RESOLVED: to propose to the Director that we make the changes to the
Semantics doc outlined in today's agenda.

RESOLVED: next meeting on 30th

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2004 08:38:49 UTC