RE: revising the semantics PR document

I will review this once Pat indicates this is the change he is proposing.
I suggest we should also ask for feedback from Horrocks and Patel-Schneider
(OWL Semantics Editor), cc-ing webont.
[Herman does not speak for webont - in particular I note that at the last
webont call he was in a minority on a different semantics issue - nothing
wrong with that of course. It is conceivable that RDF Core might upset
WebOnt by doing what Herman says]

I am happy to raise this informally on webont, as part of my review.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian McBride []
> Sent: 08 January 2004 18:03
> To: Dan Connolly; pat hayes; Herman ter Horst; Eric Miller; Jeremy
> Carroll; Sandro Hawke
> Cc: rdf core
> Subject: revising the semantics PR document
> It looks like we need to make some minor revisions to the semantics doc.
>     DanC has asked for a WG decision to approve the change.
> Eric, Sandro, will a decision at a telecon on 16 Jan 2004 be timely from
> your point of view?
> I think what we need is a clear description of the proposed changes for
> review.  Pat, I see a proposal from you at:
> read.html
> Have you and Herman agreed to this?  I see Graham has reviewed it and is
> happy with it.
> If anyone has issues with approving this change, please raise them asap.
> Brian

Received on Thursday, 8 January 2004 12:37:58 UTC