Re: TEST: the 4 test cases we discussed during 2003-05-09 telecon

sorry for the previous message, but it was suddenly sent while typing

2/ and 3/ are (after a small correction) also working for java
I could live with non entailment if it means "not necessarily entailing"

tex-01 is also checked and OK (also after a small correction)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

PS I think I never mentioned the positive results we got
   with "unquoted numerals" denoting numbers eg
   eg:jenny eg:age 12.
   and also
   12 a rdfs:Literal.

                    Jos De_Roo                                                                                     
                                         To:     rdf core                                                          
                    2003-05-09           cc:                                                                       
                    10:25 PM             Subject:     TEST: the 4 test cases we discussed during 2003-05-09        

I tested the 4 test cases we discussed during
todays telecon and I did those on 3 platforms
(but am using n3 triples as we do in owl full).


eg:foo eg:bar "chat"@en^^rdf:XMLLiteral.
eg:foo eg:bar "chat"@fr^^rdf:XMLLiteral.

so that one should become a test:PositiveEntailmentTest.

(while at it, we also did find that

eg:foo eg:bar "chat"@en^^rdf:XMLLiteral.
eg:baz owl:sameAs rdf:XMLLiteral.
eg:foo eg:bar "chat"@fr^^eg:baz.

but that one is using owl:sameAs)


eg:a eg:prop "3"^^xsd:int.
eg:a eg:prop " 3 "^^xsd:int.

OK on (ECMA 334 compliant) MS .NET and DotGNU PNET
but Xerces2 fails here for the java implementation
(and I would follow the standardized results
so believe the entailment holds)


eg:a eg:prop " 3 "^^xsd:int.
eg:a eg:prop "3"^^xsd:int.

OK on (ECMA 334 compliant) MS .NET and DotGNU PNET
but Xerces2 fails here for the java implementation
(and I would follow the standardized results
so believe the entailment holds)


eg:aaa eg:ppp "333"^^xsd:int.
eg:aaa eg:ppp _:x.
_:x rdf:type rdfs:Literal.

and here we found (*).

Let's see if that is making sense, and then
Jan/Dave as testdoc editors could finish ;-)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

 ).<> =>
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix ns: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix : <file:/temp/test#>.
@prefix eg: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix test: <>.
@prefix math: <>.
@prefix nsns: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix neg: <>.
@prefix iw: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.

{[ iw:Variable "_:x_6"] = "333"^^xsd:int. eg:aaa eg:ppp [ iw:Variable "
_:x_6"]} => {eg:aaa eg:ppp "333"^^xsd:int}.
  nsns: rdfs:fyi nsns:rdfs9.
    nsns: rdfs:fyi nsns:rdfs8.
      nsns: rdfs:fyi nsns:rdfs11.
      {[ iw:Variable "?X"] = xsd:decimal. [ iw:Variable "?X"] a
rdfs:Datatype} => {xsd:decimal a rdfs:Datatype}.
      [ iw:Variable "?B"] = xsd:decimal. [ iw:Variable "?C"] =
rdfs:Literal. [ iw:Variable "?B"] rdfs:subClassOf [ iw:Variable "?C"]} =>
    {xsd:decimal rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal}.
    {[ iw:Variable "?A"] = xsd:integer. [ iw:Variable "?B"] = xsd:decimal.
[ iw:Variable "?A"] rdfs:subClassOf [ iw:Variable "?B"]} => {xsd:integer
rdfs:subClassOf xsd:decimal}.
    [ iw:Variable "?A"] = xsd:integer. [ iw:Variable "?B"] = rdfs:Literal.
[ iw:Variable "?A"] rdfs:subClassOf [ iw:Variable "?B"]} =>
  {xsd:integer rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal}.
    nsns: rdfs:fyi nsns:rdfs9.
    {[ iw:Variable "?A"] = xsd:long. [ iw:Variable "?B"] = xsd:integer. [
iw:Variable "?A"] rdfs:subClassOf [ iw:Variable "?B"]} => {xsd:long
rdfs:subClassOf xsd:integer}.
      nsns: rdfs:fyi nsns:rdfs9.
      {[ iw:Variable "?A"] = xsd:int. [ iw:Variable "?B"] = xsd:long. [
iw:Variable "?A"] rdfs:subClassOf [ iw:Variable "?B"]} => {xsd:int
rdfs:subClassOf xsd:long}.
      {[ iw:Variable "?S"] = "333"^^xsd:int. [ iw:Variable "?A"] = xsd:int.
[ iw:Variable "?S"] a [ iw:Variable "?A"]} => {"333"^^xsd:int a xsd:int}.
      [ iw:Variable "?S"] = "333"^^xsd:int. [ iw:Variable "?A"] = xsd:long.
[ iw:Variable "?S"] a [ iw:Variable "?A"]} =>
    {"333"^^xsd:int a xsd:long}.
    [ iw:Variable "?S"] = "333"^^xsd:int. [ iw:Variable "?A"] =
xsd:integer. [ iw:Variable "?S"] a [ iw:Variable "?A"]} =>
  {"333"^^xsd:int a xsd:integer}.
  [ iw:Variable "_:x_6"] = "333"^^xsd:int. [ iw:Variable "_:x_6"] rdf:type
rdfs:Literal} =>
{"333"^^xsd:int rdf:type rdfs:Literal}.

# Proof found for file:/temp/testC.n3 in 4511 steps (20503 steps/sec) using
1 engine

Received on Saturday, 10 May 2003 13:16:41 UTC