Re: further horst-01 test case

Do I understand?...

eq:p has empty range, hence has empty IEXT, and is therefore a subproperty 
(not necessarily proper) of any other property if subproperty is treated as 

If so, it looks OK to me.


At 17:56 17/07/03 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>I believe we agreed on if semantics for subPropertyOf
>Does the following test case capture the lack of "only if"
>eg:p rdfs:range xsd:integer .
>eg:p rdfs:range xsd:string .
>eg:q rdf:type rdf:Property .
>does not entail (even with knowledge of xsd:integer and xsd:string)
>eg:p rdfs:subPropertyOf eg:q .
>(but does in OWL Full).

Graham Klyne
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