Re: Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2003-08-29

>* pat hayes <> [2003-08-29 15:58-0700]
>>  >
>>  >Drafts for boilerplace for document status are
>>  >
>>  >-
>>  >
>>  >-
>>  >
>>  Sorry I missed the telecon. Im not sure which boilerplate to use:
>>  should it be LC2 or CR ??
>Just a plain Working Draft SOTD.

Oh, then the version I just put up has the wrong boilerplate. I will 
fix that as soon as I find a version to cut-and-paste from.

>I have an action to update the template
>accordingly (hopefully over the weekend). Meanwhile, if editor's can
>HTML validate and pubrules check their docs, we should be ready to roll
>early next week...

The links, XHTML and CSS are OK and so are the pubrules as far as I 
can tell (the pubrules checker seems to have gotten broke) so I guess 
that we could cut/paste the appropriate boilerplate in easily enough.


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Received on Saturday, 30 August 2003 14:03:24 UTC