Re: Possible syntax restriction on encoding rdf:XMLLiteral

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ext Brian McBride 
  To: Dave Beckett 
  Cc: RDF Core ; Martin Duerst 
  Sent: 06 August, 2003 16:52
  Subject: Re: Possible syntax restriction on encoding rdf:XMLLiteral

  3) it doesn't achieve its goal.  there is nothing to stop folks defining 
  synonyms for rdf:XMLLiteral, so I don't see how one can prevent it.

I think this particular point is sufficient to justify not 
making any such syntactic restriction.

Better to view parseType="Literal" as syntactic sugar for the 
general form of typed literal expression, as a convenience to
users -- not as either a primary or (as suggested) exclusive
form of expression.

I.e. typed literals are expressed using rdf:datatype and a valid
lexical form. Because RDF/XML *is* XML, and because the canonical
lexical form of rdfs:XMLLiterals is complicated, we provide a
more convenient way to express them, just as various contractions
are provided by the RDF/XML syntax.


Received on Thursday, 7 August 2003 03:55:46 UTC