Re: URGENT: train wreck coming, action needed. (was: Fwd: URI-CG group chartered)

>On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 15:06, pat hayes wrote:
>>  But this IS a VERY big deal, and we should raise hell about it, and
>>  not stop raising hell until this idea is abandoned.
>Er... well... if you have a suggestion as to what the spec
>should say, please suggest it (to and see what
>the editor says.
>If you don't get satisfaction, then perhaps raising hell
>is in order. But try the straight path first, OK?

Ahem. Duly noted, tie straight, breathing normally.

Will compose thoughtful and moderately worded English response when 
the Irish subsides.


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Received on Friday, 4 April 2003 19:40:16 UTC