RE: Yet another tex-01 proposal

> Once the WG has pronounced on this new language compare, unlike any
> other in RDF in being case insensitive, we can move on.

My understanding of the LC specs is that:

- n-triples permits mixed case lang tags
- concepts says these represent lower case abstract lang tags

Thus the parser tests I have suggested should pass, (but I realise that that
is really a test on the equivalence function not the parser).

The entailment tests, on the other hand, are divorced from the case handling
in both RDF/XML and N-Triples.

with the entailment tests:

> file1:
> <a> rdfs:comment "a"@en-us .
> file2:
> <a> rdfs:comment "a"@en-us .
> file3:
> <a> rdfs:comment "a"@en-US .
> Tests:
> file1 entails file2
> file2 entails file3
> file3 entails file1

We can leave it so that in a parser test case-sensitive comparison of lang
tags is OK, but still include these entailment tests that indicate that the
case is not significant to the meaning.

These three tests do not require any changes to any documents. Nor do they
require clarification of whetehr the parser tests use case sensitive or case
insensitive comparison of language tags.


Received on Friday, 4 April 2003 06:27:03 UTC