Re: incomplete entailments [Was: email straw poll: literal semantics proposals]

>> Frank, it seems to me a primitive entailment
>> and as such a basic and core entailment for
>> a machine to make, but indeed not like NLP
>> (natural language processing)
>> Avoiding to make it is like having something
>> like a hidden C, D or E
>Bingo! That's precisely it. F provides an implicit C
>like interpretation of the inlined literals.

but hidden, implicit things are rarely good enough
look, I remade my untidy implementation and will show it
in your F proposal style
  <s1> <p> "abc".
  <s2> <p> "abc".
does then not entail
  <s1> <p> _:x.
  <s2> <p> _:x.
(and as I said earlier, many other testcases such as e.g.
are also not OK anymore)

On the other hand
  <s1> <p1> "abc" .
  <s2> <p2> "abc" .
  <p> <> <d> .
is entailing
  <s1> <p1> _:x .
  <s2> <p2> _:y .
  _:y a <d> .
and the proof is
  <file:/temp/s1> <file:/temp/p1> "abc".
  <file:/temp/s2> <file:/temp/p2> "abc".
    <file:/euler/rdfs-rules#rule3> .
    <file:/temp/p2> rdfs:range <file:/temp/d>.
    <file:/temp/s2> <file:/temp/p2> "abc"} log:implies
  {"abc" a <file:/temp/d>}.
but then how can we make sense of all those
different/same "abc" nodes unless we make them
explicit of course, which on the other hand I
more and more think we shouldn't do either
(in that respect B works for me and with an
explicit requirement for canonical lexical forms
it has enough primitive datatyping power)

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Thursday, 10 October 2002 17:53:55 UTC