- From: Dave Beckett <dave.beckett@bristol.ac.uk>
- Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 22:18:42 +0100
- To: w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <12264.1023484722@tatooine.ilrt.bris.ac.uk>
RDFCore WG minutes for the Telecon 2002-06-07 Transcript: Attached Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0020.html 1: Volunteer scribe Dave Beckett 2: Roll Call Participants: - Dan Brickley - Eric Miller (chair) - Dave Beckett - Dan Connolly - Ron Daniel - Bill dehOra - Jos De Roo - Jan Grant - Graham Klyne - Frank Manola - Stephen Petschulat - Patrick Stickler - Aaron Swartz - Mike Dean - R. V. Guha - Pat Hayes Regrets: - Brian McBride - Jeremy Carroll Absent: - Frank Boumphrey - Rael Dornfest - Arno Gourdol - Yoshiyuki Kitahara - Michael Kopchenov - KWON, Hyung-Jin - Ora Lassila - Satoshi Nakamura - Pierre G. Richard - Andew Salop - Sergey Melnik 3: Review Agenda DaveB asked Item 9 to be skipped with Jeremy Carroll not present, EricM supported this. DaveB asked to report on status of faq-html-compliance DanB noted some further notes on item 12 just emailed to the list http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0027.html 4: Next telecon? 10am Boston time, 2002-06-14 To be possibly chaired by Eric if Brian McBride not present. 5: Review Minutes of 2002-05-31 Minutes of 2002-05-31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002May/0159.html with corrections: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002May/0160.html APPROVED 6: Register for RDF Core F2F EricM encouraged all to register at http://cgi.w3.org/Register/selectUser.pl?_w3c_meetingName=RDFCOREF2F3 even if not attending - the last two to register have to scribe :) 7: Status of previous Action Items ACTION 2002-05-31#1, FrankM: Circulate list of issues needing clarification -- CONTINUED ACTION 2002-05-31#5, jos: Summarize and check decision with WebOnt see: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0001.html -- DONE ACTION 2002-05-31#2, DaveB: Update syntax spec with above decisions -- CONTINUED ACTION 2002-05-31#3, JanG: Update test case document with this, and other, test cases -- CONTINUED ACTION: 2002-05-24#4 danbri update the isDefinedBy proposal (with help from Guha) in light of the discussion in the 2002-05-24 telecon see: Issue 12 -- DONE with update at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0027.html 8: outstanding issues - 8 left rdfs-xml-schema-datatypes rdfms-contexts rdfms-seq-representation rdfms-assertion rdfs-editorial rdf-namespace-change faq-html-compliance rdfs-isDefinedBy-semantics See: http://www.w3.org/2000/03/rdf-tracking 9: Definition of graph syntax Discuss Jeremy's proposal. See: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002May/0120.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002May/0122.html Not discussed since Jeremy gave regrets; EricM will put it on next week's agenda if Jeremy can attend. 10: Issue: rdfms-assertion 2002-05-17#7 DaveB Investigate recent TAG decision on registering mime types for W3C specifications and make a recommendation to the WG -- DONE after verbal report by DaveB Discussion of the IETF mime type registration process and the TAG finding http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2002/0129-mime and how the existing RDF I-D should be handled. The finding says that the registration form must be in the REC that handles the syntax; for RDF Core, that is the RDF/XML Syntax WD. Discussion of the assertion issue that this action addressed and where to put the words; in the I-D, REC and/or both. Some concerns about this leading to long discussions in the type registration process. ACTION 2002-06-07#1, PatHayes: draft a resolution to rdfms-assertion and send to the list Issue CONTINUED 11: Approve test cases Propose approve test cases reviewed by Aaron http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002May/0125.html Graham http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002May/0144.html Aaron is happy with rdfms-xmllang test001-test005 but not test006 which was if xml:lang applies to attribute content. Several people on the telecon thought that it did or would be surprising if it didn't. ACTION 2002-06-07#2, AaronS: Check rdfms-xmllang/test006 and XML specification. Graham gave detailed comments, approval on many test cases. JanG reported on comments from JeremyC and DaveB on other test cases that needed fixing. ACTION 2002-06-07#3, JanG: Fold in the consensus test cases and bring back the rest to the group ACTION 2002-06-07#4, JanG: Update the test case problems reported by JeremyC and DaveB 12 Issue: rdfs-isDefinedBy-semantics 2002-05-24#4 danbri update the isDefinedBy proposal (with help from Guha) in light of the discussion in the 2002-05-24 telecon DanB sent http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0027.html just before the meeting and noted that the issue discussion had exploded across multiple lists and yet to be summarised. Discussion of namespaces, namespace URIs and RDF schemas, how to relate these things with RDF properties, use of rdfs:isDefinedBy and rdfs:seeAlso for this purpose and defining a way to say when or how to retrieve rdf/xml at a URI about schema terms. CONTINUED 13: F2F Agenda Suggestions for agenda items were received including - write press release for proposed recommendation (chairs to draft) - write draft request for proposed recommendation status (chairs to draft) - datatypes (see item 14) - clarification of use of n-triples in documents - layering - primarily consider "what's left?" in order to complete 14 : Datatypes Discussion after Pat's latest revision of the DataType WD based on Patrick's draft as announced in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0000.html and the corresponding document http://www.coginst.uwf.edu/~phayes/RDF_Datatyping060102_draft.html PatH noted that the document needed to pass on to SergeyM (not present) who will make a revision, completing a revision by each of the editors. The current plan is to carve it into bits and then fit them together. PatH will try to contact SergeyM. Discussion of GrahamK's comments on the draft http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0017.html 15: faq-html-compliance DaveB reported on an analysis on approaches of RDF in HTML made by Sean B. Palmer independently and encouraged by DaveB as input to this issue. Announced in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2002AprJun/0170.html and archived at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2002Jun/att-0002/01-index Discussion of some of the conclusions, and DaveB prefered linking approach <link> rather than embedding. Some agreement with this. ACTION 2002-06-07#5, DaveB: Forward Sean B. Palmer's analysis to the WG list and propose some recommendations from it to close the issue. -- end --
(Note times in UTC) 14:02:13 <DaveB-scr> DaveB-scr is now known as db-scribe 14:02:34 <em> zakim, who is here? 14:02:35 <Zakim> I see ILRT, AaronSw, PatrickS, EricM, Manola, SteveP, DanBri, JosD, Pat.Hayes 14:02:37 <Zakim> ILRT has JanG, DaveB 14:02:38 <Zakim> -PatrickS 14:03:10 <db-scribe> regrets brian 14:03:10 <Zakim> +PatrickS 14:03:14 <db-scribe> regrets jeremyc 14:03:20 <db-scribe> item 4 14:03:38 <db-scribe> next telcon 14th 14:03:39 <DanCon> DanCon has joined #rdfcore 14:03:41 <db-scribe> item 5 14:03:47 <db-scribe> minutes review 14:03:54 <db-scribe> approved 14:04:01 <DanCon> * DanCon Zakim, what's the passcode? 14:04:03 <Zakim> * Zakim saw 7332 given for the conference code, DanCon 14:04:13 <db-scribe> back to item 3 14:04:23 <em> current agenda - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0020.html 14:04:39 <db-scribe> * db-scribe raises item 9, like to have jjc present 14:04:45 <db-scribe> em: propose postponing 14:04:51 <db-scribe> item 9 removed 14:05:03 <db-scribe> em: askes dave to update on issue-faq-compliance 14:05:09 <db-scribe> dave: ok 14:05:14 <Zakim> +DanC 14:05:17 <db-scribe> danbri: issue 12, just sednt to list 14:05:29 <db-scribe> em: ok, see if we have time 14:05:35 <db-scribe> item 6 14:05:47 <db-scribe> em: some have registered, some not 14:05:57 <db-scribe> ... last two to register, have to scrib e:) 14:06:00 <db-scribe> so do it now! 14:06:05 <db-scribe> item 7 14:06:28 <db-scribe> action 2002-05-31#5 done, rest continued 14:06:39 <Zakim> +MDean 14:06:41 <db-scribe> danbri: update on the isdefined by issue, not closure 14:06:59 <db-scribe> item 8 14:07:04 <db-scribe> outstanding issues 14:07:05 <db-scribe> 8 left 14:07:10 <danbri> my action closed with update at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0027.html 14:07:12 <db-scribe> item 9 14:07:17 <db-scribe> postponed, no jjc here 14:07:23 <db-scribe> em: like to target for next week 14:07:35 <db-scribe> item 10 14:08:40 <Zakim> +??P20 14:08:51 <AaronSw> Zakim, ??P20 is RonD 14:08:52 <Zakim> +RonD; got it 14:09:31 <db-scribe> * db-scribe discuss this, not scribing... 14:09:46 <db-scribe> danc: can't see conflict ietf registring process, w3c rec 14:09:56 <db-scribe> aaron and danc discuss approach 14:10:13 <Zakim> +??P21 14:10:53 <AaronSw> zakim, ??P21 is GrahamK 14:10:54 <Zakim> +GrahamK; got it 14:11:50 <db-scribe> re assertion issue, where to say statements are asserted 14:13:32 <db-scribe> more discussion of whether to put assertion in the type rfc 14:17:32 <db-scribe> proposal to put assertion words in syntax doc 14:17:59 <db-scribe> and in type registry too? 14:18:35 <Guha_> Guha_ has joined #rdfcore 14:19:05 <db-scribe> gk suggests (concerns on ratholing) get our own agreement right and then strip to a sentence in the mime spec, pointing to more detailed words 14:19:08 <Zakim> + +1.650.965.aaaa 14:19:18 <AaronSw> zakim, where is 1.650? 14:19:19 <Zakim> sorry, AaronSw, I do not understand your question 14:19:24 <Zakim> -MDean 14:19:25 <DanCon> the 1st RDF WG got away with sorta ducking rdfsms-assertion; I'm not sure we're gonna get away with that this time. But really handling it looks tricky, as PatH points out in ... oop; in private mail to me. 14:19:44 <DanCon> Zakim, where is 650? 14:19:46 <Zakim> North American dialing code 1.650 is California 14:20:18 <db-scribe> action pathayes: draft words on rdfms-assertion 14:20:21 <AaronSw> zakim, +1.650 is Guha 14:20:22 <Zakim> +Guha; got it 14:20:52 <Zakim> +MDean 14:20:55 <DanCon> em, you don't have to do actions twice. As soon as somebody says "I'll do XYZ", you can record it as an action. 14:20:57 <db-scribe> 2002-05-17#7 done 14:21:03 <db-scribe> item 11 14:21:10 <DanCon> resolutions, however, have to be carefully put. 14:21:29 <db-scribe> jang: short, but had feedback from jjc, daveb on test case fixes... 14:21:35 <db-scribe> ...no problem 14:21:48 <gk> gk has joined #rdfcore 14:22:27 <db-scribe> * db-scribe and aaron discuss approvement 14:22:34 <AaronSw> * AaronSw endorses rdfms-xmllang/test001-test005 14:22:39 <db-scribe> endorse 001-005 of aaron's msg 0125.html 14:22:57 <db-scribe> gk reviewed all other tests 14:23:00 <db-scribe> and had some comments 14:23:29 <db-scribe> jang: action to fold in consensus test cases and bring back the rest 14:24:09 <db-scribe> aaron asked if xml:lang applies to attribute content 14:24:15 <db-scribe> gk: says yes, as he reads XML spec 14:24:26 <danbri> seems reasonable, unsuprising 14:25:02 <db-scribe> jang & dave discuss more test case things need to amend 14:25:09 <db-scribe> jang: will fix 14:25:14 <DanCon> good to hear that folks are going over the tests in bulk. 14:25:34 <db-scribe> item 12 14:25:40 <db-scribe> danbri has just sent 14:25:43 <danbri> isDefinedBy: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0027.html 14:26:01 <db-scribe> isdefinedby issue exploded over multiple lists... 14:26:19 <db-scribe> (rewinding) action jang: to fix things after jjc and dave's comments 14:26:27 <gk> My review of test cases is at: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002May/0144.html 14:26:42 <db-scribe> naemspace URI and rdf schecma, isdefinedBy between them 14:26:50 <db-scribe> some impls used that property to point to anything 14:27:10 <db-scribe> danbri propose that we tighten this and make isdefinedby point to just one t hing 14:27:22 <db-scribe> danc: why constrain more? 14:27:31 <db-scribe> danbri: since they've used for wider things 14:29:25 <DanCon> re-reading the CR-rdf-schema text, it says isDefinedBy MAY be used in this fashion; danbri's argument why constrain doesn't hold. 14:29:52 <danbri> read it alongside M+S chunks 14:30:23 <DanCon> "The most common anticipated usage" could be translated SHOULD, but not MUST. how do you derive MUST? 14:31:06 <db-scribe> discussion of defining an rdfs:Class for saying "retrieve this" to get rdf/xml for more info 14:31:25 <Zakim> -SteveP 14:32:08 <db-scribe> discussion of uri "ownership" 14:32:24 <danbri> aside: the RDFS CR gave uuid: URIs as a use case 14:32:32 <danbri> + 14:32:35 <danbri> q+ 14:32:37 <Zakim> * Zakim sees Danbri on the speaker queue 14:33:28 <danbri> q- 14:33:30 <Zakim> * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue 14:34:01 <gk> So I say; http://www.w3.org/GKs-property is defined by http://www.nminebynine.org/GKs-schema? Is this contradictory? 14:34:08 <db-scribe> patrick doesn't like namespaces :) 14:34:22 <DanCon> PatH asks whether { <http://dans-stuff.example/stuff#term> rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://pats-stuff.example/doc> } is legitimate. 14:34:34 <db-scribe> frankm askss if you can get from property to namesapce? No, many people 14:35:23 <db-scribe> danbri: would like to use some rdf:ns thing, but name might be suggestive of wrong thing 14:35:32 <db-scribe> ... also datatypes will be defined by iothers 14:35:49 <db-scribe> namespace / schema 14:35:53 <DanCon> yes, a namespace (document) is a schema document. 14:36:38 <DanCon> Aaron asks whether { <uud:23lkj23> rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://example/doc> } is legitimate. 14:36:51 <DanCon> * DanCon likes to get the example/test cases in the record 14:36:55 <db-scribe> patricks says has a namespace defined by many different schemas 14:37:12 <DanCon> I disagree with PatrickS about what a namespace is. 14:37:45 <danbri> * danbri thinks ericm was right to try moving on in the agenda; this is a rathole 14:37:45 <db-scribe> hasn't this got a TAG finding/draft? this=what is a namespace 14:38:39 <danbri> q+ 14:38:40 <Zakim> * Zakim sees Danbri on the speaker queue 14:38:45 <db-scribe> rathole++ 14:39:07 <gk> Isn't that just provenance? That seems to me like a good way to describe it. 14:39:59 <em> ack danbri 14:40:00 <Zakim> * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue 14:40:06 <DanCon> well, it's related to provenance, but I was reporting on real implementation experience. picking a new term undercuts this implementation experience, btw. 14:40:44 <em> q+ 14:40:45 <Zakim> * Zakim sees Em on the speaker queue 14:40:51 <db-scribe> * db-scribe feels adding rdfs:ns would be more confusing than rdfs:isDefinedBy 14:41:13 <db-scribe> ack em 14:41:15 <Zakim> * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue 14:41:46 <db-scribe> * db-scribe wonders if patricks can say how he's using namespaces, schema docs, properties, .. 14:42:38 <AaronSw> another testcase: { <http://foo/#bar> rdfs:isDefinedBy <http://danbri/>, <http://tap> . 14:42:40 <AaronSw> } 14:42:41 <db-scribe> frankm: if term changes to rdfs:namespace, it must point to a namespace 14:42:59 <DanCon> where's this mail proposing rdfs:namespace? 14:43:15 <db-scribe> DanCon: danbri's last mail to the list, see above? 14:43:27 <db-scribe> June 0027 14:43:48 <DanCon> I don't see a proposal for rdfs:namespace in there; where is it? 14:44:09 <Zakim> -Guha 14:44:41 <danbri> there isn't a full proposal as such, just http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0027.html 14:44:58 <db-scribe> item 13 14:45:04 <danbri> (no actions...) 14:45:38 <db-scribe> em: suggestions for best agenda itetems? 14:45:46 <db-scribe> danc: write press release for proposed rec? 14:45:50 <db-scribe> suggest chairs write it 14:46:07 <db-scribe> danc: want to finish rdf; last f2f before rec 14:46:22 <db-scribe> and write request for proposed rec 14:46:34 <db-scribe> and by end of meeting, should be closer 14:46:51 <db-scribe> em: useful proces 14:46:53 <db-scribe> s 14:46:58 <db-scribe> DataTypes 14:47:09 <db-scribe> (item 14) 14:47:21 <db-scribe> phayes: clarify use of n-triples 14:47:36 <db-scribe> ... in any of our documents 14:48:26 <danbri> * danbri fwd's WebOnt review of RDFS WD 14:50:18 <db-scribe> other issues... 14:50:55 <db-scribe> danbri: 2 issues - datatyping and layering 14:51:06 <db-scribe> should we risk f2f time on potential rathole topics 14:51:09 <DanCon> I'd really rather there were no consideration of low-hanging fruit, people not being there, whatever. The only question is: what's left? all of it should be done at the ftf. 14:51:20 <db-scribe> patricks: more attn on datatypes 14:51:29 <db-scribe> since path and patricks there 14:51:33 <gk> I agree with DanC -- we're trying to get this as nearly wrapped as possible 14:51:59 <db-scribe> item 14 14:52:05 <db-scribe> dataypes 14:52:15 <db-scribe> pat revised draft based on patricks 14:52:23 <db-scribe> em: what is left? 14:52:27 <DanCon> I gather a pass by Sergey is next. 14:53:28 <db-scribe> phayes: emailing with sergey, rather slowly 14:53:55 <db-scribe> ... current plan is to carve in bits and then fit together 14:54:13 <db-scribe> em: telcon time? 14:54:21 <db-scribe> phayes: are converging 14:54:38 <db-scribe> still working on this,g etting it acceptable to all 14:54:47 <db-scribe> larger q is, is this proposal still what we want to do? 14:55:16 <danbri> * danbri revisits http://www.coginst.uwf.edu/~phayes/RDF_Datatyping060102_draft.html "rdfd:Datatype properties have exact domains and ranges. (This is an 14:55:16 <danbri> exception to the normal rule for rdfs:Property.) " 14:55:25 <danbri> * danbri should send mail on that 14:55:32 <em> yes please 14:55:53 <db-scribe> phayes: gk mail of thursday caused some pushback 14:56:00 <db-scribe> gk: didn't intend that 14:57:14 <db-scribe> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2002Jun/0017.html 14:57:17 <db-scribe> discussion of above 14:57:40 <db-scribe> timecheck 14:57:47 <db-scribe> em: agenda 14:58:36 <DanCon> * DanCon q+ 14:58:38 <Zakim> * Zakim sees DanCon on the speaker queue 14:58:49 <db-scribe> action: daveb forward sbp analysis on faq-html- issue 14:59:03 <AaronSw> em: did pros cons but no conclusion 14:59:06 <db-scribe> em: can you make some recs? and give context 14:59:35 <AaronSw> DanC: linking works, rest is iffy. stick it in the primer and be done 14:59:47 <db-scribe> also action includes proposing a recommendation; linking (as I discussed) 15:00:00 <Zakim> -RonD 15:00:04 <db-scribe> END OF MEETING
Received on Friday, 7 June 2002 17:18:44 UTC