Re: Subtler simplified datatypes.

>On 2002-02-21 0:29, "ext Pat Hayes" <> wrote:
>>  Ok, guys. Another version now at
>>  This changes the previous one as follows.
>>  1. S-B idiom now works with rdfs:drange; in fact, the S-A and S-B
>>  idioms are synonymous and can be interchanged with each other.
>Right. This basically adopts the earlier suggestion in conjuction
>with the first versions of the convergence proposal that in the context
>of datatyping, any inline idiom could/should be treated as a value
>triple -- in fact, it was suggested that the inline idiom would
>be treated as a contracted form of the value triple idiom, and
>always result in a value triple in the graph.
>    <ppp>foo</ppp>
>is just syntactic sugar for
>    <ppp><rdf:Description><dlex>foo</dlex></rdf:Description></ppp>
>It just leaves such a transformation as "virtual" and provides
>that interpretation in the MT/semantics (which is fine).

Right, that is exactly what it does. Is that acceptable to everyone? 
Would DC and CC/PP be happy with that??


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Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 18:22:03 UTC