around and around and around the table [ was: Re: datatyping draft 3 (for telecon)]

>(b) CC/PP, myself
>(c) A defined way to constrain a property range to the lexical space 
>of some datatype;
>e.g. for CC/PP:
>    _:SomeClientComponent client-property:dpi "100" .
>      :
>    client-property:dpi rdfs:range datatype:number .

OK, let me tackle this more cooly. I didn't read this kind of example 
as saying that a property range is constrained to a lexical space. 
That second triple says that the range of the property is the 
datatype, not the lexical space of the datatype. It doesn't mention 
lexical spaces anywhere, as far as I can see.  I understood you to be 
saying that you wanted in-line uses of literals (as in the first 
triple) to be datatype-sensitive, ie to change their *meaning* 
according to the datatype information applied to the range of the 
property, so that this example would say that the value of 
client-property:dpi applied to the subject was the number one 
hundred. So I invented a scheme to enable you to do that. I believe 
this was also what Patrick wants, and what I know Peter 
Patel-Schneider would like, and it may also be what Brian wants, 
although Im not sure as I no longer know what people mean when they 
refer to the S-B idiom.

But it seems that is not what you , Graham, want at all. You want 
that first triple to mean that the value of the property IS the 
string '100', and definitely not a number, but *in addition* to know 
that this string is in the lexical space of the datatype. (Right? 
Have I got that now?) If so, then that is yet a third possibility, 
and I'll have to think about how to do it.

First let me check one more thing. Is it absolutely required that 
this information about lexical spaces must be conveyed by a triple 
using rdfs:range? (If so, I have no idea how to do that, and would 
suggest that anyone who managed to form that idea from reading any 
spec ever written about RDF is living in a fantasy, and their 
problems should not concern us.) Or can it be conveyed in some other 


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Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2002 22:48:30 UTC