Re: reification "subagenda"

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 11:21, Graham Klyne wrote:
> 1. I agree that M&S allows only one statement with given sub, pred, obj.
> 2. M&S may not specifically admit more than one reification of a statement, 
> but it also does not (to me) clearly deny the possibility.

Hmm... that's an angle I hadn't considered.

But how do you reconcile point 2. with text like
  A statement and its corresponding reified statement
? That's pretty clear that they're in 1-1 correspondence,

I'm still trying to decide whether I care enough to
go on record as opposing this decision.
I think the argument we made for removing
aboutEachPrefix applies pretty well to reification.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 14 February 2002 23:59:26 UTC