Re: Reification: proposed resolution

>Following up on Frank's excellent reification process, and the 
>decision we made last week support the provenance use case, I'm 
>wondering if we can move forward on reification.  I wonder if at 
>this weeks telecon we can decide that the answer to the question:
>   <stmt1> <rdf:type> <rdf:Statement> .
>   <stmt1> <rdf:subject> <subject> .
>   <stmt1> <rdf:predicate> <predicate> .
>   <stmt1> <rdf:object> <object> .
>   <stmt2> <rdf:type> <rdf:Statement> .
>   <stmt2> <rdf:subject> <subject> .
>   <stmt2> <rdf:predicate> <predicate> .
>   <stmt2> <rdf:object> <object> .
>   <stmt1> <property> <foo> .
>   entail:
>   <stmt2> <property> <foo> .
>is NO.
>Regarding Graham's entailment:
><ex:subj> <ex:prop> <ex:obj> .
>      _:r <rdf:type> <rdf:Statement> .
>      _:r <rdf:subject> <ex:subj> .
>      _:r <rdf:predicate> <ex:prop> .
>      _:r <rdf:object> <ex:obj> .
>Whilst I see the sense behind it, I'm a bit concerned by the 
>practical implications of all the statements in my graph entailing 
>their reifications.  So from a standpoint of simplicity and 
>pragmatics, I propose that there are NO other entailments in the 
>model theory to do with reification.

Id be happy with that.


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Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2002 16:45:52 UTC