Re: type/dtype/subclassing and range/subproperties

>>  We may in fact need something like rdfs:drange ("deranged"? ;-)
>>  if rdfs:range only implies rdf:type and not rdf:dtype,
>we have that per
>{ ?d a rdf:DataType . ?p rdfs:range ?d . ?s ?p ?o } log:implies { ?o 
>rdf:dType ?d } .

Right, but that is a dtype in the conclusion, right? the rdf:type 
follows by normal rdfs inference, but the range-datatyping is 
something else that requires an extra semantic constraint. I don't 
think we need deranged unless we want to allow some ranges to 'do' 
datatyping and others not. And that can be handled, if someone wants 
to do it, by defining a coextensive class with the datatype and 
making that be the range. Then you get rdf:type inheritance (with one 
extra inference step) but the datatyping is blocked, so no rdf:dtype.


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Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 11:13:00 UTC