Re: Entailment and bags (was:Re: Agenda items for the f2f)

At 13:31 04/02/2002 -0600, Pat Hayes wrote:

>We have containers that have ordered selectors, ie the ordering is built 
>into the very syntax of the selectors. So the containers simply *are* 
>ordered in any RDF interpretation, whether we want to treat that order as 
>significant or not. So we cannot make rdf:bags into unordered entities in 
>the RDF model theory.

That would work for me.


>If this is acceptable then it is trivial to add rdf:seq and rdf:bag to the 
>MT. I've already written the relevant section. (Adding rdf:Alt to the MT 
>is something else altogether: I would suggest that we simply abandon rdf:Alt.)

Could we pull a similar stunt with Alt as with Bag.  An Alt is simply bag 
with a hint that applications might consider the first element as different 
from the others, i.e. the model theory ignores the semantics of Alt.


Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2002 04:52:18 UTC