RE: Alternative representation of typed literal nodes in NTriples (and N3)

Oops. My bad. If untyped literals are untidy, I guess we need some
distinct names for them ...

The question, of course, is how to incorporate them into the
untyped literal node label. Perhaps in a similar fashion to
the datatype? E.g.

   untyped non-XML literal                                        _:a,"25"
   untyped non-XML literal with lang                              _:b,"25"-en
   URIref typed non-XML literal                  <http://...#integer>,"25"
   URIref typed non-XML literal with lang        <http://...#integer>,"25"-en
   qname typed non-XML literal                            xsd:integer,"25"
   qname typed non-XML literal with lang                  xsd:integer,"25"-en

   untyped XML literal                               _:c,xml"<h1>Foo</h1>"
   untyped XML literal with lang                     _:d,xml"<h1>Foo</h1>"-en
   URIref typed XML literal              <http://...#h1>,xml"<h1>Foo</h1>"
   URIref typed XML literal with lang    <http://...#h1>,xml"<h1>Foo</h1>"-en
   qname typed XML literal                      xhtml:h1,xml"<h1>Foo</h1>"
   qname typed XML literal with lang            xhtml:h1,xml"<h1>Foo</h1>"-en

Other suggestions?

[Note: locally typed literal nodes are tidy, and have globally consistent
meaning, only the untyped literals are untidy]

As for the comma delimiter, Dave has already pointed out that it will
be problemmatic for N3 since it already is used for something, but I'll
keep using it for now, until a better punctuation character can be
found, or some other denotation of the XML literal versus non-XML literal.


Received on Thursday, 22 August 2002 15:42:45 UTC