Re: literals must be self-evident

>At 12:43 PM 10/17/01 -0500, Dan Connolly wrote:
>>That is: it's essential that the interpretation of
>>an RDF document is a function of the document alone,
>>and doesn't vary according to the contents of other
>I think I agree with the thrust here, but I'd like to clarify 
>something:  it may be that access to another document will provide 
>more detailed information about what is stated in a document (e.g. 
>knowing the domain/range of a property from a separate schema may 
>allow one to make additional inferences about resources used in an 
>otherwise stand-alone document).
>The key requirement here seems to be that the interpretation of a 
>document in isolation cannot be invalidated when some external 
>document is also consulted.  (This seems to be a kind of 
>Thus, I think what you are asking is that the truth under any given 
>interpretation of some RDF document is invariant;  consulting 
>another document may restrict the interpretations that are 
>considered to be models.

Right, exactly. Thats how the extended MT would work. A datatyped 
intepretation is an interpretation (of the vocabulary) and a 
datatyping scheme (of the nodes) which together satisfy some pretty 
obvious semantic constraints (that the class extension of a datatype 
name is that datatype, and that every literal occurrence labels a 
node which is datatyped consistently with the class membership of the 
literal value.) Then it all works smoothly in the usual way, where 
the more you know, the smaller the set of typed interpretations gets. 
Since the typing is applied to nodes, it's impossible for typing in 
one graph to directly influence that in another (ie except via their 
mutual constraints on the shared vocabulary used on those node 


>Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
>Strategic Research              <>

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Received on Monday, 22 October 2001 15:30:42 UTC