RDFCore WG minutes for the telecon 2001-10-12

RDFCore WG minutes for the telecon 2001-10-12




ACTION 2001-10-12#1:  Pat
   Review domain and range test cases

ACTION 2001-10-12#2:  Art
   Review domain and range test cases

ACTION 2001-10-12#3:  Jos
   Change domain and range test cases to use example.org.

ACTION 2001-10-12#4:  Graham
    Bring identity of anonymous resourcese back to the table for next week.

ACTION 2001-10-12#5:  Frank M.
    Respond to Graham's text, see agenda 2001-10-12, item 12.

ACTION 2001-10-12#6:  Jos
  Send interpretation properties URL to e-mail list.

ACTION 2001-10-12#7:  Sergey
  Summarise rdfs-xml-schema-datatypes issue for next week's telecon


Decision 1:
  The WG accepted Art's proposal

Decision 2:
  The WG approved the rdfs-no-cycles-in-subClassOf test cases.

Decision 3:
   The WG approved the rdfs-no-cycles-in-subPropertyOf test cases.

There was no support in the teleconference for dropping parseType="Literal".

1: Allocate scribe: Jeremy Carroll

2: Roll Call

    - Eric Miller
    - Brian McBride (chair)
    - Art Barstow
    - Dave Beckett
    - Jeremy Carroll
    - Ron Daniel
    - Jos De Roo
    - Martyn Horner
    - Graham Klyne
    - Frank Manola
    - Sergey Melnik (from item 12 onwards)
    - Stephen Petschulat
    - Aaron Swartz
    - Mike Dean
    - Pat Hayes

    - Daniel Brickley
    - Dan Connolly
    - Bill deHora
    - Jan Grant

    - Frank Boumphrey
    - Rael Dornfest
    - Yoshiyuki Kitahara
    - Michael Kopchenov
    - KWON Hyung-Jin
    - Ora Lassila
    - Satoshi Nakamura
    - Pierre G Richard
    - R.V. Guha

3: Review Agenda

  Aaron proposed adding singing of Golden Triples to agenda.
  Ron proposed adding discussion of parseType="Literal" to agenda.

  Both additions were accepted by the chair, although we were out
  of time before the singing.

5: Review Minutes of previous meeting


4: Next telecon - 10am Boston time, 19th October 2001

   DECIDED: Meet at same time next week.
   Pat offered regrets.

6: Confirm Status of Completed Actions


7: Confirm Folling actions are withdrawn

   Brian and Eric agreed that the action 2001-08-17#5 is withdrawn.

8: Tidying up broken Test cases

The following actions have been completed:
ACTION 2001-09-28#5  Dave Beckett  Fix test case errors
ACTION 2001-09-28#6  Jeremy Carroll  Re-post problem found in test case
ACTION 2001-09-28#8  Art Barstow  Delete test cases containing
ACTION 2001-09-28#9  Art Barstow  Investigate best W3 practice in
                     deleting test cases

The following action is continued:

ACTION 2001-09-28#7  Jan Grant  Remove xml:base from test cases

Decision 1: The WG accepted Art's proposal

[Scribe note: the URL in the agenda and the transcript was incorrect:


9: Propose approve cycle in subClassOf test cases

  These test cases have been reviewed by:
    Art Dave Jos and Pat

Decision 2:
  The WG approved the rdfs-no-cycles-in-subClassOf test cases.

10: Propose approve cycle in subPropertyOf test cases

  These test cases have been reviewed by:
     Dave, Jos, Art

Decision 3:
  The WG approved the rdfs-no-cycles-in-subPropertyOf test cases.

11: Review domain and range test cases

  Dave has had a quick look at these test cases.
  Art requested more time for review.

ACTION 2001-10-12#1:  Pat
   Review domain and range test cases
ACTION 2001-10-12#2:  Art
   Review domain and range test cases

  Art suggested that all test cases should use example.org as the
  default host name.

ACTION 2001-10-12#3:  Jos
   Change domain and range test cases to use example.org.

12: Issue: Identity of anonymous resources
The WG did not agree the text in the agenda.

Ron disagreed with there being no URI for anonymous nodes.
Ron had not noticed the decision that bNodes are existentially quanitified.
Frank Manola wanted to question the specific wording.

Frank asked what the text was for (i.e. which document would it go in).
Brian responded that the text was for the issue list.

There was general animated discussion that was curtailed by an unhappy
The chair argued that consensus on this issue had been reached at the
The chair was unhappy with late objections.

The chair requests the naysayers to make a substantive case as to what is
wrong with the emerging consensus.

There was an attempt at a vote on the issue. This attempt was aborted since
there was a need for separating quibbles with the wording from substantive

ACTION 2001-10-12#4:  Graham
    Bring identity of anonymous resourcese back to the table for next week.

Graham noted that this involves formulating a simple votable question.

ACTION 2001-10-12#5:  Frank M.
    Respond to Graham's text, see agenda 2001-10-12, item 12.

13: Syntax Sub-group Report


The quick summary was:
   The syntax subgroup likes Relax NG
   Jeremy is working on a transform approach to triples.
   The syntax subgroup has identified the syntactic issues in the issue

Jos asked whether the Syntax subgroup was using XSLT. This question was left

14: Issue rdfs-xml-schema-datatypes:  Review Progress

Sergey reported that e-mail discussion is on-going.
Pat noted that his discussions with Peter Patel-Schneider were progressing

Sergey preferred to postpone further teleconference discussion of this issue
while the e-mail discussion advanced.

ACTION 2001-10-12#6:  Jos
  Send interpretation properties URL to e-mail list.

ACTION 2001-10-12#7:  Sergey
  Summarise rdfs-xml-schema-datatypes issue for next week's telecon

AOB: 15: parseType="Literal"

  Dan C had suggested in e-mail that this be dropped.
  Ron and Dave opposed this.

  There was no support in the teleconference for dropping

  Ron presented three use cases:
  A: In PRISM a particularly editorial style uses XHTML <I> elements within
RDF values e.g.
    <ns:title rdf:parseType="Literal"><i>CRN</i> Interviews: Tom

  B: Including XHTML paragraph breaks in RDF values.

  C: For i18n, there is a need for XML markup for bidi and Ruby amongst
other things.

  There was extended discussion that continued after the close of the
  Issues included discussion of how namespaces figure with literals, and
whether an RDF Literal is marked as to whether it came from an
rdf:parseType="Literal" production.

The meeting closed without singing the Golden Triples.

Received on Monday, 15 October 2001 08:16:56 UTC