Re: Resolution of: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources

Pat Hayes wrote:
> >It looks like it is still the case that RDF/XML syntax can only
> >represent a subset of valid RDF graphs,
> But that, I gather, is the case more generally.
> >in which there are no circles
> >that contain bNodes only. If so, this limitation needs to be stressed in
> >the spec(s).
> Agreed. There should be a whole little essay (in the primer?) about
> the different notations and the relationships between them.
> >An exception handling mechanism must be specified as well.
> Why? Isn't it enough that there should be round-tripping from RDF/XML
> -> graph -> RDF/XML?

There should be, but probably won't be (unless the syntax subgroup would
attack the issue e.g. by introducing an additional attribute for
referencing local bNodes). Therefore, as an implementor, I'd like to
know what to expect when I try to serialize _x --property--> _x.


Received on Friday, 12 October 2001 19:43:10 UTC