Re: Comments on ioctl (was: Re: big issue (2001-09-28#13))

On Monday, October 8, 2001, at 08:02  AM, Martyn Horner wrote:

> Maybe I missed something in the argument but does `denotation' 
> distinguish between numerals (literals) denoting numbers and 
> numerals (literals) denoting, say, dates. So the literal 
> "20001225" has, at least, two denotations? Does this invalidate 
> this definition? Do you mean `unique denotation'? If you don't, 
> how does this definition stay valid?

It's my belief that the literal "20001225" denotes itself, and 
properties like :creationDate are really shorthand for 
:creationDateStringInXXXForm .

[ "Aaron Swartz" ; <> ; <> ]

Received on Monday, 8 October 2001 09:11:59 UTC