RE: datatypes and MT (#rdfms-graph)

> Dan,
> would it break your mental model if the above N-triples-like 
> syntax was 
> modified to be:
>          terms:
>                  constant (URIs w/fragids)
>                  string literals
>                  bnodes (existentially quantified variables)
>          statement:
>                  term constant term.
>          formula:
>                  statement*

If we're talking about triples here where literals are
acting as subjects, then we need to base the triples
on node identity, right?

I.e. (presuming nodes with identical uriref labels are "merged")

   statement = subject predicate object '.'
   subject   = uriref | ( nodeID ':' literal ) | nodeID               
   predicate = uriref
   object    = subject | literal

Note that only literal nodes that act as subjects must
be specified for nodeID, otherwise, just use the literal.


Of course, since statements are not themselves reified in
NTriples, one can't qualify them ;-)


Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 08:09:16 UTC