RE: Proposed issue resolutions

>I had assumed that:
>    aaa <rdf:type> <rdf:Bag> .
>    aaa <rdf:_NNN> bbb .
>    aaa <rdf:_MMM> ccc .
>   aaa <rdf:_MMM> bbb .
>where aaa is a bNode or URI and bbb, ccc are anything.
>(This means that a bag with n members licenses n^2 edges ).

Ah. OK, that would work, as long as one doesn't think that

aaa <rdf:_NNN> bbb .
aaa <rdf:_NNN> ccc .

is a contradiction. However, the other problem remains, that there 
seems to be no way to distinguish a bag from a set. For example, if 
the bag [aaa aaa bbb] has both aaa and bbb in every position, then 
how does it differ from the bag [aaa bbb] ? They both have bbb in the 
second place.


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Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2001 15:35:02 UTC