Re: Test cases: format of input and output(uri/node/resource/entity too)

Brian McBride wrote:
> Dan Connolly wrote:
> [...]
> > Actually, that smiley-point is well-made: this testing format
> > shouldn't depend on all the RDF/n3 specs, code, and
> > tutorials, which are in flux...
> Yes
> [...]
> >
> > We've got terms of the form
> >         _:name          for "anonymous" terms
> >         <absURIref>     for URIs
> >         "lskdjf"        for string literals.
> How would we handle relative URI's, e.g.:
>   <rdf:Description rdf:ID='foo'/>

I'm proposing that they get absolutized in the expected results;
in this case:

The input to the test is an XML document, and one of the
properties of an XML document is its base URI. (I suppose
some tests might have syntax errors at the XML level;
but in that case, there are no expected results anyway.)

This might be somewhat tedious: if/when we move the
tests, we have to updated the expected result; copying
them to local disk has to be done in such a way that
the test harness remembers where it came from; etc.
But I think the alternatives are all worse.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2001 12:17:06 UTC