Re: Issue

Martyn Horner wrote:
> Can the whole namespace-attribute `decision' be reconstructed with
> Brian's reference to XML namespace tying?

Maybe; when we get around to actually replacing the gramar
in the spec, I expect we'll do something at the infoset
level (i.e. using XSLT or XML Schema or whatever).

But for now, let's just use test cases to say what we mean.

> Or are we determined to be
> dogmatic about the actual syntax?

I am determined to be clear about the actual syntax.
Down to the last character and byte, using test cases.

> Wouldn't that simplify our long search
> for consensus?

I doubt it; I find black-and-white test cases much
more conducive to building lasting consensus
than abstractions.

I say "lasting" because you can always abstract
away to the point where everybody agrees; but then
when you go to apply it, you discover that you
didn't have consensus at a level that actually
gives you interoperability.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2001 09:10:20 UTC